Home » Road To Prevention
Prevention means acting to stop something before it happens. If you wear a seatbelt while driving or get routine oil changes on your vehicle, that’s prevention in action!
Just like prevention with vehicles, we can prevent sexual violence. NJCASA’s Road to Prevention campaign shows how we all can play a role in preventing violence.
Sexual violence is any sexual activity the occurs when consent is not obtained or freely given. Sexual violence is influenced by our societal norms and often includes a range of behaviors .
We know from research that sexual violence leaves lasting effects on individuals and communities. It can also damage a community’s sense of safety and connectedness. Research shows that exposure to and/or fear of violence impacts the health and well-being of individuals and communities, often with long-term consequences.
There are well-documented protective factors that can prevent violence and promote safety through collective action. When we feel safe, we can thrive to our fullest potential. On the road to prevention, we all play a part in in creating safer communities. Each of us has the ability to create safety, show respect, offer support, and contribute to ending sexual violence.
As individuals, we are all connected through personal and professional relationships. Each day, the words we choose to use and actions we choose to take have an impact on the environment we create.
We can use the power of our voice to create a culture of respect, safety, and support within the spheres of our influence, like our families, workplaces, and communities.
Join us on the Road to Prevention and help create safer communities and a safer Garden State!
Choose the role that you feel you best fit into and click on the signs below to learn more about how you can start your journey on the Prevention Parkway!
This publication was made possible via a grant from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families’ Division on Women. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Children and Families’ Division on Women.