
Preventing Sexual Violence

At NJCASA, we strive to create communities free from sexual violence — and we believe that everyone has a role to play in preventing sexual violence.

Our prevention work focuses on challenging racism, sexism, homophobia, and other harmful beliefs and social norms. A world where people are unequal is a world where sexual violence will occur. We can prevent sexual violence by promoting respect, empathy, and equity in all communities.

Learn how to prevent sexual violence in your everyday life.

Primary Prevention

Primary prevention is how we can stop sexual violence before it ever occurs. Prevention involves addressing the harmful social norms and beliefs – including racism, sexism, and homophobia – that contribute to sexual violence. Sexual violence is 100% preventable, but prevention requires hard work from all community members.

Learn more about primary prevention.

Recent Resources and Initiatives

NJCASA regularly develops resources and initiatives on sexual violence prevention. Visit our Resources page for a full list of prevention resources.

Want to learn more about receiving primary prevention education in your community? Reach out to your county-based sexual violence program.